В пятницу, после 16.00 в Воронеже откроют движение по дублеру Московского проспекта. Об этом сегодня, 27 декабря, сообщили в пресс-службе мэрии.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the opening of the new Moscow Prospect bypass in Voronezh.
This new road will significantly impact traffic flow in the Kominternovsky district, with several nearby streets adopting one-way traffic patterns to accommodate the bypass. Drivers are advised to be aware of these changes.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the opening of the new Moscow Prospect bypass in Voronezh. This new road will significantly impact traffic flow in the Kominternovsky district, with several nearby streets adopting one-way traffic patterns to accommodate the bypass. Drivers are advised to be aware of these changes.